Monday, September 19, 2011

RH Bill

The Reproductive Health Bill (RH Bill) is one of the most controversial bills in the Philippines today. The bill consists of 34 total sections of which is mainly composed of topics that address the issues of family planning, maternal and child health as well as reproductive and sexual conditions. The RH Bill aims to uplift the reproductive health standards of the Filipino community by giving them the rights to avail a wide range of reproductive health services throughout the country. It also aims to enable couples to practice reproductive spacing along with due consideration to the availability of resources that can be availed. 

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

mao na gud ni

unsa mani oy

loboratory eqiup

tsur nani?

final na gyod

bruchore wala nahuman

company logo

organizational structure

it 18 tarpaulin siminar

prelim project (it18)

image retouching

it logo

digital illustration

web banner